Things You Must Consider Before Taking Your Dog to Swim > 자유게시판

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Things You Must Consider Before Taking Your Dog to Swim

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작성자Sharon Belz 작성일 24-05-18 조회수 4회


We always plan activities to do with our pets, then be it going to a park, taking him shopping or enjoying a nice time at the pool. Though the other two options won't need much of your vigilance, swimming definitely needs a keen eye. It can even compromise your pet's life if precautions are not taken in advance. And as a matter of fact, most of the dogs aren't comfortable with swimming. So, even if your pet loves to cool himself in water, there are certain considerations you must make as it can save your pet from untoward health conditions and accidents.

6 Things To Consider Before Taking The Dog To Swimming

Do Not Let Your Dog to Get Off Your Eyesight

It is imperative to watch out your dog while swimming. Your pet shouldn't be allowed to swim without supervision because the water currents in the river and oceans can drown the pet. And they won't be able to save themselves from the choppy waters because dogs can't hold any object with their one paw. They need two paws or a mouth to grasp something and thus cannot safeguard themselves in case the currents are high and intolerable to their capacity.

Always Use a Life Jacket

Your dog has to wear a life jacket whenever he goes into the waters, especially, if you are taking him to a natural water body like - rivers, lakes, and oceans. Dogs that have short legs have to sport a life jacket even when you go to the pool because they find difficulty in swimming due to their short legs. Also, the life jacket should be bright colored and must have handles for you to easily rescue.

Never Ignore the Temperature Of Water

Coldwater can cause hypothermia in dogs. It is a condition when the body undergoes drastic temperature regulation to save vital organs than providing energy to the limbs and other body parts. Thus, the pet has grave chances to drown. It is a more severe situation because dogs cannot communicate how they feel. Therefore, before heading to the pool or any water body, you must ensure that the temperature is not too cold and not too hot.

Retrieve Your Dog Before He Gets Too Tired

Some dogs become so exuberant on seeing water that they don't have a track of their energy. They swim far off and then realize they cannot make their way back. At times, when they don't know how to escape, they can even drown. Thus, to prevent this situation from happening in the first place keep vigilance on your pet's leftover energy. It is better to retrieve him before he gets exhausted. Moreover, mind that water that has heavy currents can make your dog tired way early than still water.

Train Your Dog To Escape

Training a dog as to how to make their way to the exits in case of emergency can help save your dog's life. Effective training actually lets dogs get an idea about the nearby exit points and also helps them to control their bodies on their way to the destination. So, never forget to give this basic training before letting your dog swim.

Consider Your Dog Breed

You must be wondering what a dog breed has to do with swimming but, to your knowledge, it does have a significant connection. Dogs that have a long torso and short legs find it difficult to push the waves and thus find it harder to swim than other dogs. They also have constricted nasal passage which doesn't allow them to breathe properly while swimming, thus, it is better to keep them away from water bodies. If at all you want him to swim, the session should be for a short while and under constant supervision of yours. If you cherished this article and you simply would like to collect more info relating to highly relevant to australia and regions with interest in australian culture or animal husbandry. please visit our page. Apart from breeds, you might also consider watching out for dogs that have mobility issues due to certain health conditions.

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